Our goal is the digitalization of the entire supply chain in the value-added trade.
Two projects are emerging from the large number of digitization projects: the online store and the contract platform. Both systems are aimed at large customer groups and make it even easier and more comfortable to work with Kloeckner Germany.
The Klöckner onlineshop is open 24 hours a day. When our customers order material, the system automatically takes into account individual price agreements. We are constantly expanding the range offered online.
The order overview includes all current information on open and completed deliveries. As a result, our customers are always up-to-date with all order details and the current delivery status.
The contract platform provides round-the-clock, up-to-date information on existing supply contracts. What quantities has the customer already called? What volume is still available? Historically, these questions often had to be clarified by phone. As part of their supply contracts, customers can also access material via the platform.
While the online store and contract platform are primarily for medium-sized customers, "Electronic Data Interchange" (EDI) is more for large customers and important suppliers: we use it to exchange information and documents electronically. The integration of manufacturers brings us closer to the complete digitalization of the entire supply chain from the factory to the final customer - thereby enabling us to reach our goal step by step.